1 - HEAL
Kicking off each weekly call with an energy healing session. Clear your energy blocks and free up your soul flow
Receive personal insights through guided goddess meditations. Tapping into your true abundance codes
With this energy flow you'll be guided through a process to create your weeks abundance aligned action steps
but you've been trying the 'thinking positive', suggested affirmations and mediations and nothing is working quickly enough.
You feel like there is an invisible wall you can't seem to get through, those abundant months
feel so close but yet so far!
You find yourself asking, almost weekly,
''Why is it so hard if it's my purpose''
All you want is a business that serves, both your clients and your family by having
enough time, energy and income flowing to you.
That is possible, when you activate the Energy First Method™️ in your business abundance is available to you.
You know the value of energy but you've been trying the 'thinking positive', suggested affirmations and mediations but nothing is working.
You feel like there is an invisible wall you can't seem to get through, those abundant months feel so close but yet so far!
You find yourself asking, almost weekly, ''Why is it so hard if it's my purpose''
All you want is a business that serves, both your clients and your family by having enough time, energy, and income flowing to you.
That is possible, and quicker than you might think, when you activate the Energy First Method®️ in your business!
Whether you're making $1k per month or $100k money blocks come up around fears of security for you, your family and your team as you grow. Energy First Method™️ will open up your financial flow in your business as you tap into the abundance codes within you.
Lack of clarity and indecision can block energy, which doesn't like to be still, this can cause feelings of frustration and trust issues in your direction. The Energy First Method™️ strategically works to release your intuitive insights in a way that cultivates trust.
Business is a masculine game, and when we 'do' too much it pulls us out of balance energetically. This causes us to take action after action in the wrong direction, making us more tired and feel so busy as the action isn't aligned. The Energy First Method™️ allows the energy to be rooted in both masculine and feminine with an ebb and flow that makes your business less hustle and more a sustainable energy flow.
Showing up is draining, scary or feels wrong, often because of 'witch wounds' the societal and ancestral energy that has kept women quiet and small for centuries. The Energy First Method™️ activates your personal power and unlocks the ancestral and societal blocks put on centuries of women told not to use their magnetic voice. This is key for calling in your ideal dreamy clients!
You understand that your business can't be run on hard work and hustle alone, that it needs to feel right and aligned but not knowing what that looks like or how to activate this alone - It's because you're not meant to do it alone. Energy First Method®️ is designed to bring community elements of healing & connection together - Women are meant to gather together, historically we always did. But the masculine aspects of business can make us feel alone. Abundance flows through support - SHINE gives you that magical energetic advantage in your business.
''I’ve gained so much inner peace and confidence.''
''Before SHINE, I was bouncing between feeling stuck in my business and feeling like my wheels were spinning, doing a lot of work but going nowhere. The healing and messages I received empowered me to take decisive action on things I’d been stalling on for a while.
I created a morning ritual that energizes me better than coffee, ended a work-trade relationship that wasn’t working for me, submitted materials for a certification I’d been sitting on for months, and created my first honest-to-goodness strategic plan for my business.
This program doesn’t teach you how to do these things—it gives you the opportunity to reach within yourself and know that you can do them—whatever those things are for you. SHINE felt like having six mini-retreats with time in between to make whatever level of change felt right, and by the end of it, I felt closer to my true, confident, powerful self.''
Janice Solasteas - Owner of Sol Success Education
Ready to clear your hidden abundance blocks holding you back, receive guidance from the universe and create clear aligned action steps so that you can access the flow of abundance inside your business faster?
This is your space to process, release, and shift any energies you’re feeling called to let go of.
Untangling the blocks that have held you back & kept you unseen
This is your space to remember your personal power and reignite your unique light - re-awakening the purpose led energy within you on a deeper level
Access your future time lines and new frequencies for both you and your business energy. Crafting a soulful strategy for the rest of this quarters seasonal energy to allow you to maintain this awakened light
6 weekly live virtual 90-minute energy experiences:
• Receive healing to enhance energy flow
• Guided Goddess Activation & Visualization for abundance insights
• Develop goddess-guided abundance infused aligned action steps
• Share in a safe female Facebook community space
Each session works with different energies:
• Call on Angels and Goddesses for healing and insights
• Access abundance codes with intuitive goddess guidance
• Focus on specific business growth areas
• Uncover blocks and release misalignments
• Create clear, aligned actions from spiritual insights
Access to a Facebook community space:
• Share insights and growth with fellow female business owners
• Receive community support in a private group
Access to healing session replays:
• Revisit guided processes within the container's energy space
• Available until Full Moon on March 14, 2025 (3.5 weeks post-final call)
• Access concludes when I perform a healing ceremony to release collective energy (Not a live ceremony)
Business coaches out there are spitting out their tea as I say I'm ONLY charging $297 for this -
This is a high value container that I want to be accessible to all.
ONLY $297
One Time Payment of
Two Monthly Payments of $155
This is a rare, transformative energy experience for your business. I'm so confident in its value that I offer a risk-free first session. If it doesn't resonate, get a full refund until Monday January 20th, 2024.
Beyond this, to honour the sacred divine energy throughout the community and to help me keep pricing accessible, no refunds are possible.
This preserves the unique magic for all. Take that first step with confidence – I'm committed to delivering an unparalleled experience that will elevate your business and spirit.
“Julie allowed me to show up more confidently in the decisions I’m making for my business''
She brings a light hearted approach to spirituality which makes the information easy to digest and to connect with.
I gained insight on blocks and how to tackle them which has allowed me to show up more confidently in the decisions I’m making for my business which has also poured out into my personal life.
Lauren - Life Alignment & Identity Coach
''...helped set me up with a positive mindset but even left me feeling able to make decisive moves in my business.''
The space to think and reflect in such a supportive and friendly place was incredible. Julie guided me through the process and reassured me.
The results made me face some of the blocks I had placed on myself in taking my business forward. The meditations were beautifully presented, and not only helped feel able to make decisive moves in my business.
The combination of spiritual and practical business advice is invaluable.
Anna, Campbell, Reclaim Your Lane.
Shine is an energy container - this is NOT a course or coaching space. If you are looking for energy training or coaching please reach out to see what other offers are available.
SHINE has 6 weekly calls within the healing container which you can attend live or dedicate time to the replay to receive your healing, goddess meditation & connection so you can create aligned action steps for your business with this intuitive and energetically aligned insight.
We have 6 weekly calls starting on Thursday 16th January through to 20th February.
You will have until March 14, 2025 to watch the replays - at which time I will be closing our healing circle and releasing the energy back to the universe for our highest good.
We start each session with a remote healing session - This is where you get comfortable and I perform intuitively led energy healing for us as a group (including those watching on replay) this maybe a combination of remote reiki, crystal and angelic healing. During the healing you will feel relaxed, become aware of your energy body as I work to release blocks and move the energy through you.
After the healing you will be guided into a powerful visualisation where we will meet with specific goddess, deities, energy to ask questions and gain insights on what we need to know with each weeks theme and focus.
These insights you then get to journal on and follow a guided process to create your own intuitively led aligned action steps for the week ahead. These will range from spiritual practices to actions for your business - it will be personal to your journey and insights you received during your meditation.
The goddess energy that will join us each week will vary and be intuitively led at the time. I do however know that Hathor, Lasksmi and Brigit are lined up for our October sessions as they've been channelling through my own healing work in the run up to this container.
Each goddess has a different duty or purpose energetically and has special insights and information to share with us that can allow us to receive abundance into our businesses. This is important because we are often so detached and pushing with the masculine energy, due to the nature of business, and we need the duality to really breakthrough to the next level in our business and this is what they are hear to guide you through.
Ready for a different way to approach your business then SHINE is that!
Yes absolutely, the process is simple: Healing you just relax - I do the work, through meditation you just document what you pick up. This can be colours, seeing the goddess energy or it could be gentle knowing, memories and awareness that you can tap into to seek the answers you need for your business. Then the aligned action steps will be yours to explore.
You don't need to understand the intricacies of energy to benefit and you can ask questions in the community FB group if you are unsure about any phase. Although this isn't a space for coaching I will be happy to guide you if you are unsure on any of the energetic principles we are experiencing.
SHINE is going to help you have more energy for your business. This is your space to receive, to fill your cup so you can flow into your business and clients.
This space also gives you the room to explore your truest desires for where you want your business to go, grow and expand. The space you've been craving but haven't found time for it here.
SHINE also works to move your energy with the energy healing, unveil your intuitive insights and see how you can move in a more aligned way so business feels good to you.
Receiving is vital in business, just as much as the doing is. SHINE is your space to receive.
YES 100%. It can be a hard one to grasp but energy is not bound by time and space. This means when I perform the energy healing it doesn't matter if you're there live it can be sent to you at the time of the replay. If you want to make the declartion that the healing is to be received at set times - e.g. when you've scheduled the replay I can declare this during the healing process to the angels and goddess working with us, this is a very powerful way to recieve and delare with this energy. Or if you just want to set the intention to receive this when you watch the replay and have no time we can request the energy be with you at that time.
This works as well as in person whilst it's remote and works as well on replay as it does on live.
Energy is a magical tool that goes beyond our expectation - If you can think of a time you received an insights, ah-ha, sign or message from the universe showing it had your back then you have the ability to trust you will receive the energy at your designated time.
The Energy First Method is my signature way to co-create with the universe for your business abundance and growth.
Strategic approach to energy including the three key stages - Release, Rebirth, Rise. The steps are curated to allow energy to move, and flow in alignment with the moon cycles we call in and power up your energy into the rebirth phase before we continue to rise and create our next steps
This has been specifically curated with Hathor my newest guide who is helping me bring healing and receiving to powerful female business owners looking to create more in their business without having to give more of their energy away
Only the steps you create during our time together. If the goddesses share with you that you'll be working with affirmations then that is your homework, but if they share that you just need to take a walk each day then that is your homework. It is intuitively led for you by these powerful feminine goddess deities who will share with you what you can do to activate your energy further between the sessions.
This however is NOT a course, with modules or workbooks. There are no additional coaching sessions and times you need to be present. This is an energy experience you expand into as much or as little as is guided for you.
I've worked with the moon cycles over decades now and have found it to be the most powerful way to align your energy. You don't need to worry about where the moon is or what it is doing, the healing and energy sessions are curated with these in mind before hand - so they are already aligned whether you know its a full moon or not!
Moon energy is cyclical and processes through releasing and increasing - they represent intuition as well as the eb and flow of energy which is vital for the female body, we are naturally cyclical biologically so we benefit when energy is working in alignment with universal cycles too.
It comes down to Astrology. Each day of the week is represented by a planetary body, Thursday is Jupiter. Jupiter rules expansion and abundance. So this is the perfect day to allow your energy to expand.
If you can't attend live on a Thursday or catch the reply the same day that's OK. The sessions hold this expansive energy thanks to them being performed live on Thursdays - they hold onto that frequency shared by Jupiter throughout the container.
Energy healing is where the energy from your energy body (chakras and aura) is moved, like a shower that washes over you we send energy that will allow blocks and debris, that can naturally occur in our day to day interactions, to shift and move.
When our energy is healed and clear it can flow more freely, this means our chakras can operate at their optimal frequency - which means you become magnetic. There are 3 key chakras that need to be at optimal for your business to attract and activate abundance and SHINE works on these throughout the healing container - we want you shining bright so you're magnetic to abundance.
The meditations are not moving energy but opening you up to the goddess energy - this becomes easier after you've had an energy clearing/healing. These are your space to connect and create, whilst healing is your time to receive the flow of energy.
This is a rare, transformative energy experience for your business. I'm so confident in its value that I offer a risk-free first session.
If it doesn't resonate, get a full refund until January 20th, 2025.Beyond this, to honour the sacred divine energy throughout the community and to help me keep pricing accessible, no refunds are possible.
This preserves the unique magic for all. Take that first step with confidence – I'm committed to delivering an unparalleled experience that will elevate your business and spirit.
Since the end of 2023 I've been receiving signs of snakes - in cards I pull, in videos online, all over the place really. As it spoke of healing and shedding - I thought it meant releasing clients that were out of alignment.
In May when my launch didn't go as I had wanted and all of a sudden I had an energy crash. I was disconnected, lost and confused. I'd followed all the steps, was showing up and serving. I'd even committed to a mastermind for the year and felt I wasn't growing. Until all of a sudden it dawned on me - I was DOING too much. Everyone in my spaces was doing and I was caught up in this whirlwind, that had been all my life since my first job at 16 years old where I had always had 2 jobs, 2 income streams, 2 projects on at once...and my energy body was burnt out.
Then in walked my new guide Hathor - she had been teetering round the edge for some time, with signs and messages all about my past life in ancient Egypt where I was a powerful healer and I realised I hadn't done much healing work since 2020 as I'd moved more into my psychic work.
I'd neglected my own cup, and was pouring into everyone else.
When I looked for this container else where, that had the blend of business action with the energy first - I couldn't find it. At least not in the fullness I wanted. I could find healing on it's own, or spiritual guidance on it's own but not the blend.
Then Hathor showed me I would be creating this container and how many it would help. How so many are like me, they've lived their lives in the 'doing' and 'hustle' that they struggle to receive and they would feel safe to receive if they knew it had the space for their business growth too.
That's when Hathor shared the Energy First Method, steps and details with me and I had the sales page built within 2 days. After 4 months of being 'stuck' this flew out of me as the unique and aligned space that purpose led business owners can thrive.
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